yonabaru tug of war
Last updated: 2024/05/17
Culture & Tradition                        

Yonabaru Great Tug-of-War Festival

2024/08/03 - 2024/08/04
Refer to the official event website or contact the organizer for the most up-to-date information.

Experience the thrill of participating in a tug-of-war contest that stretches back over 440 years

Large-scale tug-of-war events are a hallmark of Okinawan festivals, and Yonabaru’s is one of Okinawa’s three largest. It began as a means to pray for a bountiful harvest, sound health, and fertility. Hundreds gather at this August festival, and pull a five-ton, 90-meter-long rope that resembles a dragon soaring through the heavens. Join the contest and enjoy live music, eisa folk dancing, and a spectacular firework display on the final day of the festival.

Chuo St. and Gotenyama Youth Square (Seishonen Hiroba), Yonakohama Park
MAPCODE : 33 135 028*21
500 cars (free parking)
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