american village illumination
american village illumination
american village illumination
Last updated: 2024/12/10
Fireworks & Illuminations                        

Mihama American Village Illumination

2024/11/15 - 2025/03/15
17:00 - 24:00
Refer to the official event website or contact the organizer for the most up-to-date information.

See colorful holiday lights throughout winter while shopping and dining at Mihama American Village

The Mihama American Village in Chatan is illuminated colorfully throughout the winter adding charm to an afternoon of shopping, a meal out, or a day spent on the beach. Go for a spin on the Ferris wheel or simply enjoy the various holiday-themed light displays at this exciting entertainment complex on Depot Island.

American Village Okinawa Mihama
MAPCODE : 33 525 382*47
Available (free parking)
Event Website *only in Japanese
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