yachimun no sato market
Last updated: 2022/03/04
Culture & Tradition                        

Yomitan Yachimun-no-Sato Pottery Market

This event has been cancelled.
Refer to the official event website or contact the organizer for the most up-to-date information.

Discover a variety of traditional pottery crafted by novices and masters at this charming market

Explore the colorful decorations and delightful designs that Okinawan pottery is known for at the Yachimun-no-Sato Pottery Market in Yomitan. Purchase pottery from local potters and talk with them to discover the inspiration behind their designs.

Yachimun no Sato
MAPCODE : 33 855 351*43
Available (free parking)
Event Website *only in Japanese
Yomitan Kankou_kyoukai *only in Japanese
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